What is TSCM/Sweeping

TSCM stands for Technical Surveillance Counter-Measures also called bug sweeping or technical counter-surveillance.

    • Visuel

Our specialists review a room visually and by comparison, are there things that stands out from the normal picture, either because something has been changed or because it is abnormal in relation to the room in which we work.

    • Physical

The room is physically searched, during this procedure different kind of equipment is used depending on what you encounter during the search. A special search technique is used to ensure a high level.

    • Electronic

SECCON has the latest equipment and up-to-date training to scan rooms for all kinds of signals, thus ensuring that no monitoring equipment is overlooked. Including NLJD detectors for detecting eavesdropping equipment / microphones in walls and inside objects without having to disassemble them. Thermal camera to capture the heat that active equipment emits and RF / Radio frequency scanners that can search the frequency bands for signal radiation as well as radiation in the electrical wiring. As something new, we now also have the capacity to search for audio signals stored in light sources (both ordinary light and infrared light) as well as sensors that can detect signals transmitted via ultrasonic sound (sound that humans cannot normally hear).

The staff who carry out the TSCM are trained in screening at SECCON, and the equipment we use is also used by government agencies such as the intelligence services and the prison service.

Our TSCM equipment is the best in the world, and if you want to read more about what it is and what it can do, you can do so on our TSCM stock page..

Why search the premises?

Sweeping premises ensures that the conversations you have as a company remain in-house and information does not reach competitors, for example.

The integrity and seriousness of the business will be greatly neglected by business partners and customers if information that should not be freely available suddenly becomes.

We are seeing more and more often that individuals also search their homes for interception and recording devices - usually in connection with divorce cases where one party retains the home.

Sweeping of vehicles

Vehicle TSCM is performed when it is suspected that the vehicle has either been fitted with illegal audio interception equipment on board or that a GPS transmitter has been placed on the vehicle to monitor where the vehicle and possibly the driver of the vehicle are in time and space.

Sweeping of vehicles is usually carried out at the client’s place of choice, which minimizes transport time and temporal nuisance for our clients.

Vehicle TSCM may in special cases mean that the vehicle must be raised on a lift or similar.

If the vehicle is brought to SECCON, we will bear the cost of lift and workshop in connection with the vehicle being raised.

Contact us for further information or a non-binding offer on telephone + 45 88 72 27 28.


Feel free to contact us with questions on phone +45 88 72 27 28, or via the contact form below.


    Crisis response time:

    < 12 hours anywhere in Denmark.

    < 24 hours for Sweden and Northern Germany